Insights Articles

VX60: Revolutionizing Free-Roam XR Experiences

VX60: Revolutionizing Free-Roam XR Experiences

  In the rapidly evolving world of Extended Reality (XR), one technology is making waves by offering unprecedented freedom and performance: VX60. Our innovative wireless network technology is set to transform the landscape of multi-user, untethered XR...

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CEO Paul Jacobs speaks to Bloomberg Wall Street week

CEO Paul Jacobs speaks to Bloomberg Wall Street week

VIREWIRX Chairman & CEO Paul Jacobs shared his insights on the worldwide semiconductor shortage and what to expect in the future. “We’re going to continue to see a strong demand because not everything is digitized yet.” Watch interview here  

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VireWirx + The Void Take the Stage at AWE

VireWirx + The Void Take the Stage at AWE

VIREWIRX and The VOID took the stage at AWE USA 2022 with Vice President of XR, Serafin Diaz, joining The VOID’s CTO Steve Duckworth at the Santa Clara Convention Center on June 3, 2022 to share how we’re collaborating to create the most immersive VR experience...

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Experience VireWirx AR/VR Technology!

Experience VireWirx AR/VR Technology!

oin us at AWE USA 2022 as we showcase our multi-user indoor wireless XR system supporting a high throughput, seamless and free-roaming augmented reality experience and as well as a fully immersive virtual reality collaboration. Visit our booth, #1050, to secure your...

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VireWirx Shared it’s Wireless XR at AWE Conference & Expo

VireWirx Shared it’s Wireless XR at AWE Conference & Expo

The annual AWE conference and expo in June brought together extended reality (XR) innovators, media and analysts, and VIREWIRX (formerly XCOM Labs) was there in Santa Clara to give them all a first look at our Wireless XR system. Our demonstration included both...

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Paul Jacobs Keynotes VR/AR Association Enterprise Forum

Paul Jacobs Keynotes VR/AR Association Enterprise Forum

Imagine being transported into a fully immersive virtual world, so rich in photorealistic imagery and sensory detail that you forget it’s not real life. As advancements in enterprise virtual reality (VR) applications speed up, the underlying wireless technologies to...

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Unleashing a World of Infinite Dimensions

Unleashing a World of Infinite Dimensions

Takeaways from those who have tried VR experiences range from appreciating the technology to complaining about “the backpack was too heavy and limited my mobility” or “the lag made me nauseous.” Even with great content and high-resolution graphics, additional...

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